Category: Sports

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From Baskets to Hoops

March Madness is hitting high gear, with Sweet 16 games tonight. But did you know basketball hasn’t always been played with an orange bouncy ball?

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The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race is the most famous dog-sledding event, and is often called “The Last Great Race.” Just why is it called

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Snowboarding Crow

Why should humans have all the fun when it snows? One crow decided to enjoy the fluffy white stuff and tried snowboarding. Read on to

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Super Bowl Fat-Fest

It’s the Super Bowl, America’s most important football game. Millions of people watch from home with family or friends, and it turns out they aren’t

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Karate Chop!

Have you ever seen someone chop a wooden board in half with his bare hand? It probably looked like it didn’t even hurt. That’s because

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