“Wrong Way” Corrigan

Sometimes people make a wrong turn while driving, but flying a plane the wrong way is a bigger deal. In 1938, Douglas “Wrong Way” Corrigan was supposed to fly from New York to California, but somehow he ended up flying in the opposite direction — all the way over the Atlantic Ocean to Ireland! Luckily, he had always wanted to fly to Ireland — this was back in 1938, when not many people had crossed the Atlantic. All he brought to eat, though, were 2 boxes of fig bars and 2 chocolate bars…because he’d planned for a shorter trip!

Wee ones:  If Wrong Way ate 3 fig bars and 2 chocolate bars, of which kind did he eat more?

Little kids: If he ate those 3 fig bars and 2 chocolate bars, how many bars did he eat in total?  Bonus: 28 hours is just a little more than 1 day (24 hours). By how much?

Big kids: If the flight to Ireland took 28 hours, and a flight to California would have taken half the time, how fast would he have flown to California?  Bonus: Wrong Way left at 5:15 am that morning and landed in Ireland 28 hours later, where the clocks are also 5 hours ahead of New York. What time did he land on local time?

Wee ones: More fig bars.

Little kids: 5 snack bars.  Bonus: By 4 hours.

Big kids: 14 hours.  Bonus: 2:15 pm local time the next day, since he landed at 9:15 am New York time.

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