The Building That Won’t Fall Over

Whoa, how is that building standing up? The famous Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy has been leaning for more than 800 years without falling! It took 199 years to build, starting in 1173. But 5 years in, as soon as they added the 3rd story, it started tilting. The tower is really heavy for its height — 16 THOUSAND tons – and was built on soft clay. But builders kept adding on in hopes they could fix it. Now we’re just hoping it won’t fall over!

Wee ones: Stand up straight, then tilt your body to the left as far as you can. Now tilt to the right!

Little kids: The tower now has 7 floors. How many floors did they add after the first 2 good ones?  Bonus: The first 2 stories were finished in 1173. If it then stood straight for 5 years, when did it start tilting?

Big kids: The tower needs 4 more steps to have a full 300. How many steps does it have?  Bonus: If the tower started tilting in 1178, when did it hit 800 years of tilting?

Wee ones: See if you can figure out your left from your right!

Little kids: 5 more floors.  Bonus: In 1178.

Big kids: 296 steps.  Bonus: In 1978, just two years after the U.S. turned 200.

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