Who Let the Owls Out?

When you eat dinner, usually you don’t want animals waiting to grab a bite from your plate. But at restaurants in Japan, people are hanging out with birds of prey on purpose. At owl-themed cafes, real live owls flap around over your head and watch you eat. The chefs even make some of the food to look like owls! It’s great if you don’t mind your meal looking back at you.

Wee ones: How many owl-shaped treats can you count in the picture?

Little kids: If you need 3 teeny slices of food to make an owl eye, how many little slices do you need for 1 owl dessert?  Bonus: How many eyes are needed for desserts for you and 3 friends?

Big kids: If a cafe serves 200 fish as sushi every day to its customers, and 300 fish to its “parliament” (flock) of owls, how many fish does the restaurant go through each day?  Bonus: How many fish does the restaurant have to buy each week?

Wee ones: 6.

Little kids: 6 slices.  Bonus: 8 eyes.

Big kids: 500 fish.  Bonus: 3,500 fish!

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