How Many Kinds of Dogs Are There?

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. There are little hot-dog-shaped dachshunds, big golden retrievers and labs, beagles like Snoopy, and many other “breeds” of dogs. So our fans Leah and Greyson I. asked us, how many breeds are there? The World Canine Organization says there are 339 breeds, sorted into 10 groups like herding dogs and toy dogs. The question is, which furry friend is the cutest?

Wee ones: Dogs walk on 4 legs. Get down on your hands and knees, and bark 5 times like a dog!

Little kids: Dogs have 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose and 1 mouth. For how many of these do we people have the same number? Bonus: Dogs also have whiskers. If a dog has 7 whiskers on the left and 8 on the right, how many whiskers does it have?

Big kids: There are 339 breeds in 10 groups. If those groups were equal, about how many dog breeds would you have in each? Bonus: If you have 22 retrievers, and half are standing on their hind legs while the rest are standing on all 4 legs, how many paws are on the ground?

The sky’s the limit: If you have 100 dogs in a row, and every 4th one (starting with the 4th) is barking, every 5th one is sniffing, and every 6th one is wagging its tail, what’s the first number dog that is doing all 3 things?



Wee ones: Bark 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

Little kids: We have the same number of all of them! 2, 2, 1 and 1. Bonus: 15 whiskers.

Big kids: About 34 in each, since there are about 340 breeds. Bonus: 66 paws.

The sky’s the limit: The 60th dog. The first number divisible by both 4 and 6 is 12, not 24, so then you just multiply that number by 5 to get the smallest number divisible by all 3 numbers.

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