Flying Cars, Coming Your Way Soon

When you’re a grown-up and can drive a car, it’s exciting to zoom down the road really fast. But what if that car could fly? As crazy as that idea sounds, flying cars are almost here. The TF-X, being built by Terrafugia, will have fold-up wings that can tuck away so it just looks like a car. But those wings will also pop out to open up little helicopter rotors, which will lift the car high into the air. You can drive, then just drive right up into the sky! The inventors at Terrafugia hope to finish the first car, or “prototype,” next year. It will be so exciting when we’re stuck in traffic to pop out those wings and fly over everyone — but then we’re going to have a lot of traffic in the air!

Wee ones: The TF-X flying car will hold 4 people. If you’re 1 of them, how many people can drive and fly with you?

Little kids: Which is faster, a car driving 62 miles an hour or a car flying 200 miles an hour?  Bonus: If you could fly this car to school in just 40 seconds, how would you count up the seconds in 10s? Try it!

Big kids: If you drive your flying car for 15 minutes, then take off and soar for 13 minutes, then land again and drive 5 minutes before stopping, how long is your whole trip?  Bonus: If the TF-X really can cruise at 200 miles an hour, how far will it travel in 2 1/2 hours?

Wee ones: 3 other people.

Little kids: The car flying 200 miles an hour.  Bonus: 10, 20, 30, 40.

Big kids: 33 minutes.  Bonus: 500 miles.

And now: did you ever wonder what a dinosaur weighs? Find out tomorrow on Bedtime Math!

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