Big Burst of Bunnies

Bunnies are really cute, except when they take over your whole town. In South Fargo, North Dakota, big fluffy jackrabbits the size of small dogs showed up a couple of years ago. A woman in this video said that every morning she woke up to see 40-50 of them in her backyard! Why did this happen? In one year a mama jackrabbit can have babies 4 times, with up to 9 baby bunnies in each litter. And if the bunnies have no “predators” — animals who want to eat them — there’s nothing stopping the hopping.

Wee ones: Bunnies hop to get around. Can you hop 4 times? Count out loud as you hop!

Little kids: If you see 5 bunnies in your driveway, how many ears do they have?  Bonus: If the woman sees 8 bunnies under her picnic table, and 1 hops away, then another, then another, what numbers would you say to count down the number of bunnies left?

Big kids: If a mama bunny can have 4 litters of babies with 9 bunnies in each, how many bunnies does she have that year?  Bonus: How many babies would 100 mama bunnies have that year?

Wee ones: Count those hops: 1, 2, 3, 4!

Little kids: 10 ears.  Bonus: 7 bunnies, then 6, then 5.

Big kids: 36 babies.  Bonus: 3,600 baby bunnies!

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