How Many Days Old Are You?

It’s amazing how the numbers add up when you do something every day. Over 3 months you’ll do that thing almost 100 times, and over 3 years, you’ll do it more than 1,000 times! That’s because there are 365 days in a year, which is about a third of a thousand. If you do it more than once a day, then you need to multiply by that factor, too. When you use this math, you see that the zeroes add up fast!

Wee ones: How old are you in years? Count up to that number with a grown-up!

Little kids: If you sneeze once a day every day, how many times do you sneeze in 1 week?  Bonus:If you walk your new puppy twice a day, how many times do you do that in 1 week?

Big kids: If you eat 5 Oreos every day, about how many do you eat in 6 months? (Hint if needed: First, about how many do you eat in 3 months?)  Bonus: If it takes you 100 days to learn to skateboard and you start learning in the beginning of June, in what month can you finally do it?

The sky’s the limit: If you live about 1,000 days every 3 years, about how many days have you lived so far?

Wee ones Different for everyone…count 1, 2, 3 etc. up to your age!

Little kids: 7 times.  Bonus: 14 times.

Big kids: About 1,000 Oreos, since it’s about 100 x 5 x 2.  Bonus: In September (3 months later).

The sky’s the limit: Different for everyone. Divide your age by 3 to find out how many sets of 3 years you’ve lived; that’s how many sets of about 1,000 days you’ve lived. If you have an extra year or two, you can add 365 for each of those. And feel free to tack on extra months, too!

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