Add and subtract within 20 (2.OA.B.2)

Popcorn Break
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1. 19 bags of food
2. 7 bags of yuckyfood3
3. 16 bags
4. 3 bags left
Understand place value (2.NBT.A.1)

Wild Water Slide
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1. 129 feet
2. 374 inner tubes
3. 39 full sets of 10 gallons
4. 2 full hundreds
Compare 3-digit numbers (2.NBT.A.4)

Our Own Legoland
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1. The animal1
2. It uses more pieces than the animal2, but fewer than the animal1
3. Student3 took fewer
4. Fewer pieces than the animal2
Add and subtract within 100 (2.NBT.B.5)

World Record Style
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1. 48 clothing1s
2. 39 clothing1s
3. 11 more clothing3s
4. 12 more clothing4s to get to 99
Solve 2-step word problems (2.OA.A.1)

Scavenger Hunt
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1. 13 pizzas left
2. 14 slices of pizza
3. 34 seconds
4. $32
Add up to 4 2-digit numbers (2.NBT.B.6)

Crazy Ice Cream Truck
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1. 39 ice cream sandwiches
2. 61 cones
3. No, because it took only 53 minutes, which is < 60
4. 56 scoops
Add and subtract within 1,000 (2.NBT.B.7)

Glow-in-the-Dark Treehouse
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1. 317 lights
2. 683 lights
3. 486 cookies
4. 366 kids
Add and subtract 10 or 100 to a number between 100-900 (2.NBT.B.8)

Wild Garden
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1. 350 bags
2. 423 seeds
3. 121 gallons
2. 162 cups
Identify odd and even numbers (2.OA.C.3)

We're On Thin Ice
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1. On the right, with all the other even numbers
2. To the right
3. The 7th trip
4. The 28th leap
Word problems with dollars and cents (2.MD.C.8)

Lemonade Stand
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1. No, because you have only 45 cents
2. 58 cents
3. 50 cents
4. 85 cents