Hang Onto Your Pants!

Who knows National Take Your Pants for a Walk Day is right smack in July. But we looked into this, and they say you can celebrate with shorts, skirts and dresses, too. We’re just not supposed to walk around in our underwear. The walking is important, though: kids should take up to 14,000 steps every day for exercise. So grab some pants and get moving!

Wee ones: How many steps do you take to get from your bed to the door? Count them up!

Little kids: If you take 9 steps starting with your left foot, how many do you take with each foot? Which foot took more steps?  Bonus: If 5 people take their pants for a walk (by wearing them), how many pant legs is that?

Big kids: If you wear pants only when it’s 70 degrees at most, and it’s 83 degrees today, how much does it have to cool off for you to switch from shorts to pants?  Bonus: If you walk your pants 14,000 steps in just 7 hours today, how many steps do you take each hour (if they’re all equal)?

Wee ones: Different for everyone…see how many it is if you take big steps or small steps!

Little kids: The left will take more (5 steps) while the right will take 4.  Bonus: 10 pant legs.

Big kids: 13 degrees.  Bonus: 2,000 steps each hour. That comes to more than 30 a minute, or more than 1 every 2 seconds…not super fast, but for a long time!

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